Innovationssamarbejde (Erhvervsfyrtårnet for Biosolutions)
PIGMENT - Sustainable macroalgae biorefinery for co-production of phycoerythrin
Red macroalgae contains valuable compounds, including methane-inhibiting compounds (MIC) that can reduce cattle methane emissions by over 60%. However, the biorefining process is not economically viable without co-extracting other compounds. This project will develop a co-extraction process for phycoerythrin (PE), a high-value protein pigment, to enhance the economic sustainability of the process.
Photo: Red macroalgae contain several high-value compounds that can be used in food or to reduce agricultural greenhouse gas emissions. (Photo: iStock).
Sustainability and high-value compounds
Denmark aims for a 70% emissions reduction, including a 55-65% cut in agricultural emissions. The largest share (30%) comes from enteric methane produced by cattle.
MIC, extracted from red macroalgae, can reduce cattle methane by 60%, offering a highly effective solution. PE, a red, water-soluble protein pigment, has antioxidant properties that promote human health and immune response, with applications in nutraceuticals, cosmetics, colorants, and bioactive compounds.
In this project, Maripure and the Danish Technological Institute are developing a co-extraction process for PE to enhance the economic viability of the MIC process.
Cultivation and processing of biomass
The partners will focus on improving biomass and PE productivity using photobioreactor technology, while maintaining MIC concentrations.
Key parameters like pH, extraction time, and biomass-to-buffer ratio will be optimized to maximize yield, ensuring full integration with the existing MIC extraction process.
PIGMENT - Sustainable macroalgae biorefinery for co-production of phycoerythrin
Finansieret af
Innovationssamarbejdet er igangsat af Erhvervsfyrtårnet for Biosolutions og gennemføres med støtte fra Danmarks Erhvervsfremmebestyrelse og er medfinansieret af EU.
Deltagere i projektet
Maripure ApS (projektejer)
Danish Technological Institute

Louise Krogh Johnson
Erhvervsfyrtårnet for Biosoluitons
Gør Danmark verdensledende inden for udviklingen af biosolutions
Erhvervsfyrtårnet for Biosolutions hjælper virksomheder i hele landet med innovation og opskalering af biobaserede løsninger på fysiske faciliteter.

Erhvervsfyrtårnet for Biosolutions gennemføres med støtte fra Danmarks Erhvervsfremmebestyrelse og medfinansieres af den Europæiske Union.