Innovationssamarbejde (Erhvervsfyrtårnet for Biosolutions)
MICROFOAM - Bio-based fire retardants using microalgal foam
Most fire retardants contain persistent organic pollutants and hazardous chemicals that have long-term effects on the environment and human health. To address this issue, the project aims to develop natural, non-toxic foaming agents for bio-based fire retardants through sustainable microalgal production.
Fire retardants typically contain persistent organic pollutants and hazardous chemicals, which impact the environment and human health. However, natural, non-toxic fire retardants have now been developed. (Photo: iStock).
Fire retardants
Traditional fire retardants are chemicals used to prevent or delay the formation of flames and the spread of fire. Most contain persistent organic pollutants and hazardous chemicals that have long-term environmental and health impacts.
In this project, Noignis, Nordicflexhouse, Quantbiores (QBR) and the Danish Technological Institute collaborate to develop natural foaming agents for bio-based fire retardants through sustainable microalgal production.
Sustainable microalgal production
Nature offers solutions like the foam formed on beaches, known as "sea foam," created by the decomposition of organic matter from microalgae. Non-toxic marine microalgae release large volumes of foam when broken, which could be used as an eco-friendly fire retardant.
Using fish farming wastewater, the partners will cultivate microalgae in a BioPod to produce foaming agents. A cutting-edge platform from QBR, employing specialized light frequencies, will boost algal production energy efficiency by 40%. The resulting foaming agents will be used in bio-based fire retardants.
MICROFOAM - Bio-based fire retardants using microalgal foam
Finansieret af
Innovationssamarbejdet er igangsat af Erhvervsfyrtårnet for Biosolutions og gennemføres med støtte fra Danmarks Erhvervsfremmebestyrelse og er medfinansieret af EU.
Deltagere i projektet
NoIgnis (projektejer)
Danish Technological Institute
Mikkel Falk
Erhvervsfyrtårnet for Biosoluitons
Gør Danmark verdensledende inden for udviklingen af biosolutions
Erhvervsfyrtårnet for Biosolutions hjælper virksomheder i hele landet med innovation og opskalering af biobaserede løsninger på fysiske faciliteter.

Erhvervsfyrtårnet for Biosolutions gennemføres med støtte fra Danmarks Erhvervsfremmebestyrelse og medfinansieres af den Europæiske Union.